
迷你倉庫電暖器先自焚了場火災動用了10輛消防車用時近一個鐘頭才撲滅疑為迷你倉庫電線短路所致。昨日晚,大批電暖器未來得及擺上貨架,就燒了個面目全非。倉庫堆放的電暖器里有柴油,撲滅火災費事不小。鄭州市貨站街未來路向西100米路南一Self storage,火已被撲滅大半。的鄭州消隊長介紹,大火是18時10分許燃起的,先后有消防一中隊、消防中隊、消防大隊等各單位才被完全撲滅。Self storage中堆積的電油汀取暖器燃燒后內部填充的柴油泄漏,是火災難以撲滅的主要原因。附近一家倉庫的保安,這家迷你倉庫的主人剛運來兩貨車電暖器裝進倉庫。所以用係迷你倉庫用電暖器真是不可以的。

為好多迷你倉都會加設防火設施,例如:滅火筒,出路拍示牌,長明燈等等,但當然擺放係裹面既貨品就要自行買水/火保險啦,因為有好多迷你倉公司都會建議自行購買保險,因為每一個客戶擺放的價值都不同,另外有部份迷你倉都會有同事在Self storage中辦公,如遇特別事情都可以立即協助,再次每一個走廊位置都有加設閉路電視,更有些公司要用智能卡出入,咁放入去既貸品就萬無一失啦.

New gang membership, a day before they can use the mini-gang Self storage ; out gangs or not to join any gang, can not use the mini-warehouse gang; can take the game by way of money, to expand the warehouse gang gang warehouse initial grid of 24 grid. Seven Chivalrous storekeeper in the town, "Su Ying" at receiving the expanded mandate to help mini-warehouse. Each expansion of gangs Self storage, will need to charge a fee. Association of individual mini-storage warehouse and is in a house, if you find the Association of Self storage, and then and next to the NPC dialogue, to open the individual warehouse. If you do not find, ask the guards, and then it can be marked on the map mini storage location.


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